When landlords rent out their properties to tenants, it’s important to have a lease agreement. A lease agreement details every term and condition that should be followed by landlords and tenants. If it’s believed that a lease agreement was violated, then a landlord or tenant can review their rights and obligations and take action to correct the issue.
Landlords often have lease agreements pre-made since they may rent out many properties or have a constant circulation of tenants. Most lease agreements have a few common terms that should be brought up when a tenant is looking to occupy a room or building. Here’s what should be discussed:
Length of the lease
Landlords and tenants should be aware of how long a tenant is going to stay in an apartment. Some lease agreements may specify that a tenant is to pay rent for a year, which could be revised and renewed at the end of the term. Many landlords make lease agreements that are month-to-month based, which could be terminated after a notice. This kind of lease may be adjusted frequently.
Rent, pet and utility costs
Tenants should also be aware of what they have to contribute to stay in their apartments. Many landlords only require tenants to pay monthly rental costs without any additional fees. A tenant may be required to pay one-time or monthly pet costs. Some tenants may also have to pay water, electric and gas fees if they don’t have to reach out to providers themselves.
Names of occupants
Landlords often want to know who’s occupying their buildings so that issues can be brought up directly to tenants. This also ensures that tenants are accountable for their actions if they cause any damage to a building. Landlords may even increase the cost of rent according to the number of people living in a space.
Understand your legal rights
Both landlords and tenants can violate lease agreements. If you are in the midst of a dispute, it will benefit you to seek legal guidance.